AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-core, 24-thread unlocked desktop processor with Wraith Prism LED Cooler

Rated 4.43 out of 5 based on 7 customer ratings
(7 customer reviews)


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  • The world’s most advanced processor in the desktop PC gaming segment
  • Can deliver Ultra-fast 100 plus FPS performance in the world’s most popular games
  • 12 Cores and 24 processing threads, bundled with the AMD Wraith Prism cooler with color controlled LED support
  • 4.6 GHz max Boost, unlocked for overclocking, 70 MB of game Cache, DDR 3200 support. OS Support-Windows 10 – 64-Bit Edition, RHEL x86 64-Bit, Ubuntu x86 64-Bit. Operating System (OS) support will vary by manufacturer


CPU Manufacturer


CPU Model

Ryzen 9 3900X

CPU Speed

4.6 GHz

CPU Socket

Socket AM4

7 reviews for AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-core, 24-thread unlocked desktop processor with Wraith Prism LED Cooler

  1. Rated 5 out of 5


    Motherboard: ASRock x370 Taichi
    Corsair Vengence 3200 RAM 32GB
    500gb WD Black M.2 NVME boot drive
    2 TB WD Black 7200 HHD storage drive
    850w 80+Gold Cooler Master PS
    AMD r9 3900x Stock Speed (No OC)
    Cooler Master ML240L AIO Liquid Cooler
    Cooler Master H500P Mesh case

    Found that the 3900x was not in stock on launch date, 7/7/19. Set Amazon to notify me when available. Got the message hit the 1-click-puchase button faster than I ever have. The item was purchased 7/8/19 and shipped Tuesday 7/10. I received the CPU safe and well packaged on Friday 7/12, a day earlier than Amazon quoted at time of shipment.

    After updating the BIOS, and running a few final benchmarks on my Asrock x370 Taichi motherboard, I shut down the system and removed my 1800x (this CPU will go into my daily driver system and relieve my r5 1600 CPU slated to be installed in Mom’s PC). Warning! Make sure to move the AIO fan wire out of the way of the CPU die and the cooler surface. I had a boot loop and overheating/shutdown session. Was able to get into the BIOS and see the CPU temp at 101c Wow! LOL no wonder it was shutting off. Anyway after seeing my stupid mistake, and re-seating the AIO cooler, the next boot-up took forever and 10 minutes to boot into Windows. Once Windows recognized the CPU and it was running, I started running some benchmarks.

    Now, I’m not a gamer, so again I am comparing my work load of video editing and production as well as rendering. With one commercial project alone, I my render time has dropped from around 20 minutes to 12 minutes… that’s 40% improvement. I can render some commercial projects up to 4 times per work session. I’ve been very happy with the performance so far, but I’m absolutely blown away by this processor’s ability. Rendering a 1 hour 1080p video usually takes an 1h 10m or so. I re-rendered last week’s video and that time dropped down to around 42 minutes. My productivity is going to go through the roof.

    Spending $500 on one single item that is smaller than the palm of your hand can be mind-blowing for some people. It may also cause some heartache and possibly buyers remorse for others. Here’s the deal, when you consider purchasing this CPU, you must do some research. Know exactly what you will be doing with your system to insure the performance gain is there. If you are a gamer, this CPU will play every game very very well. While it never claims to be the best in gaming, it is definitely meant for heavy work loads. What an outstanding and simple upgrade for a system that will provide another 4 years of great productivity.

    As a side note, I have been eyeing up an AMD Threadripper build for the past 9 months. My work requires high core and thread counts which enable the jobs to render much faster. I had already saved my money to invest into the 2950x and was still saving for the motherboard. Considering the fact that I earn a living with my PC, a professional workstation is in order. While it’s exciting to order a new “toy”, I hope you plan for something like this. It makes your purchase even sweeter when you “just know” you got a great product for a reasonable price, and it will do what you need it to do. Also, looks like I need to update the name of my system now LOL. It’s not an 1800x any longer.


  2. Rated 5 out of 5

    Luis González

    I came from using the ryzen 7 2700X and obviously there is noticeably a big gap between performance, i paired this with 32gb of trident z neo 3600mhx, RTX 2060 Super and have the cpu locked at 4.30 ghz. I could do some more overclocking with my b550 motherboard but it’s decent enough, i can render music and videos at fast times without even putting any sort of stress on it. This cpu makes multitasking and gaming a breeze, i never felt this sort of speed with any computer in my life and it’s amazing. Great Cpu, make sure you don’t cheap out on your motherboard, cooler or power supply. This baby runs hot so make sure you do some research on how to offset the voltage because this thing sucks a lot of power which heats it up to 70 c on idle, unless you have a beast of a cooler. so after playing around with the offset i managed to keep this bad boy at around 70 c under heavy load and around 29 to 33 c on idle. just a quick tip that i had to figure out, overall it’s a great cpu, worth the extra coin.

  3. Rated 1 out of 5

    Luis González

    Otrzymałem niewłaściwy przedmiot, a Amazon zrzuca odpowiedzialność na klienta i DHL…
    Nie kupować tutaj!

  4. Rated 5 out of 5


    The media could not be loaded.

    Yo desde que pude elegir mi PC siempre elegí AMD, pero como muchos saben, hubo un tiempo en que sus procesadores no daban la calidad o rendimiento deseable ante la competencia, motivo por el cual me cambié a intel por un par de años. Desde la llegada de ryzen todo eso cambió y eso provocó que volviera a donde pertenezco. Debo decir que si, si ustedes buscan reviews en Internet, el nuevo ryzen 7 5700x le da vuelta a este procesador en juegos por el mismo precio, pero en productividad esos núcleos extra siguen dándole una ventaja interesante tanto con el ryzen 7 así como contra intel y lo que pudiera ofrecer (para productividad) por lo que debo decirles que aún en 2021 es una excelente alternativa este modelo (y no sus hermanos mayores de la serie 3000) tanto por el precio como por el hecho que su dicipador de stock es perfecto para mantenerlo fresco sin problema alguno, es un procesador maravilloso para trabajar y para el gaming se defiende aún sin problema alguno. Quizás si hubiera una queja seria la poca pasta térmica que trae de stock, pero nada que al cabo de 1 año o 2 puedas cambiar por una de mejor calidad. Como dato adicional ese cooler que trae va perfecto para poner todas las rams sin problemas siempre que no sean exageradamente altas, aunque bueno, si le vas a acompañar con rams con dicipadores altos (por ende rams costosas) invertir en un enfriamiento líquido no suena a mala idea.

  5. Rated 5 out of 5


    O Ryzen 9 3900X é simplesmente incrível! É a escolha definitiva pra quem quer o melhor do mercado. São muitos núcleos e threads para usar a vontade. O software da AMD ajuda também muito a otimizar o uso de energia pra atividades mais básicas quando precisar. O cooler box é lindíssimo, pra quem gosta de RGB é um colírio para os olhos e se você possui uma placa mãe com controladora RGB, no meu caso o Asus Aura Sync, você sincroniza as cores de tudo.

    Eu trabalho com desenvolvimento de jogos e esse processador acelerou muito todos os processos na computação gráfica, se você trabalha com edição de vídeo pesados ou modelagem 3D, é custo é alto, mas o benefício é muito maior. Agora se você pensa em adquirir somente para jogar, aí talvez não seja uma boa opção, visto que o salto de desempenho dele para o Ryzen 7 é pouco. Na balança do custo benefício para jogos, ele pode não ser interessante. Basicamente o Ryzen 7 já é capaz de fazer tudo que precisa para jogar, o Ryzen 9 é muito a frente do tempo, então os jogos acabam não usando todo seu poder e definitivamente não existe placa de vídeo para gargalar esse processador, ele é muito potente mesmo para a placa de vídeo mais potente do mercado atualmente.

  6. Rated 5 out of 5


    I absolutely love this CPU (3900X), having come from an old I7-2600K that served me well OC’d way over it’s spec. I’ve got plenty to say about it. It’s great at gaming and productivity. Intel can push individual cores higher, but their low core counts and larger process makes them very hot and bottle-necked at multithreaded applications. Be sure to read the warning below about the socket and swapping heatsinks.

    When I first got this, I noticed it ran very warm! I read all kinds of complaints on forums of people that couldn’t run this cool, or that couldn’t OC it. I’ve been fortunate on both fronts. I went into the UEFI and brought the CPU VCore down to 1.298V while also overclocking to 4.3GHz (all cores). I’ve never had stability issues with these settings, although I may have simply won the “silicon lottery.” The stock cooler is very aesthetic and works pretty well for a stock cooler, but I swapped out the CPU cooler for a Cooler Master Hyper 212 Black Edition, which brought the top temps down by ~10C under load, which I think is pretty respectable.
    WARNING!!! If you apply a heatsink to this CPU, and then remove it, there’s a very high chance that the CPU will pop right out of the socket, glued to the heatsink and in the process bend pins. Bent pins on this processor are *VERY HARD* to fix (at least tedious to bend back without breaking off). The socket retention system on the AM4 socket compared to Intel’s is complete garbage!!! I had bent about 3 pins pulling my heatsink off after just a little wiggling of the heatsink on the surface of the CPU by pulling off the heatsink while the CPU was still stuck to it. Yes, the retention arm was still down, and yes, I ensured it was installed correctly before putting on the heatsink. This is just a quirk of this socket. If removing the heatsink, very carefully wiggle it around side to side to try and get air in-between the CPU and heatsink so it doesn’t rip out the CPU from the socket. If you’re impatient, you probably could just pull the heatsink straight up with the full intention of taking the processor with it, and then lay the heatsink with the processor straight up for removal, but I really wouldn’t recommend it (unless that was a last resort).

    Over Clocking
    I wouldn’t say I’m an expert over-clocker, but I’ve overclocked my systems for sometime, so I can at least give some starting advice. First, two things kill your CPU faster than anything else: heat, and over-voltage. There are a dizzying array of settings that can be played with in today’s UEFIs. The ones to pay attention to are: VCore, CPU ratio, DRAM FCLK, and DRAM voltage. This is a CPU review, so let’s stick to VCore and CPU ratio. My advice is to try lowering the voltage on this chip first! This is to reduce the heat put out by this blazing hot blowtorch. I dropped my to VCore 1.298V. Once you’ve verified that you can boot at whatever voltage you’ve dropped it down to, now try and overclock by changing the CPU ratio from the stock 3.8GHz to something a bit higher, like 4.3GHz. That’s what I’ve been running with great stability. If you’re going for pure performance, then you’re going to want to stick with the normal VCore voltages and then push your CPU ratio, but you’d better have a great cooling solution that can handle the extra heat this will produce. Good luck!

  7. Rated 5 out of 5


    Dopo anni di onorato servizio, dovendo lavorare molto con software come Photoshop e Premiere Pro, ho dovuto pensionare il mio Intel Core i7-2600k. Sebbene abbia aspettato l’uscita dei nuovi Ryzen 9 5900x, la loro mancata reperibilità nel mercato (se non a prezzi elevatissimi) mi ha fatto valutare seriamente il Ryzen 9 3900x, e devo dire che, complice una buona offerta, non mi pento minimamente di questa scelta.

    Leggendo sul web, tra forum, reddit e recensioni, sono tutti talmente entusiasti delle prestazioni in single-thread della nuova serie Ryzen 5000 da trasmettere la sensazione che la serie 3000 (e nella fattispecie il 3900x) andasse male o comunque non fosse performante, che insomma fosse lento nel single-thread. Avendo una cpu (l’i7-2600k) che invece è sempre andata molto forte nel single-thread, non riuscivo bene a capire se, in caso di applicazioni fortemente single-threaded (come alcune funzioni di Photoshop) avessi notato differenze sostanziali o se potessi rimanere “fregato” in questo ambito.

    Ebbene, la differenza è *ABISSALE* in single-thread, mentre è come trovarsi in un universo parallelo quando si usano applicazioni multi-threaded, come ad esempio Handbrake, Starxrip o Premiere Pro, nell’ambito dell’editing ed encoding video.
    Un esempio: l’esportazione di uno specifico video su Premiere Pro è passato da 12m40s a 2m26s.
    Ero scioccato.
    Non soltanto: se si abilita l’accelerazione hardware nvenc delle schede nVidia che la supportano (nel mio caso ho una GTX 1070 OC 8GB) l’utilizzo della GPU in fase di encoding passa dal 20% (con il 100% di cpu) dell’i7-2600k al 90% con il 10% della cpu del Ryzen 9 3900x.

    In gaming il paragone è altrettanto impietoso, ho guadagnato almeno il 120-140% di prestazioni in modalità multiplayer di come Battlefield V e GTA V: nel primo, soprattutto, son passato da una media di 30-35 fps ad una di 80-85 fps. L’i7-2600k non riusciva più a gestire bene le modalità multiplayer di tutti i giochi che graficamente già impegnavano molto la CPU e la GPU.

    Insomma, soddisfatto? No, soddisfattissimo!

    Un consiglio spassionato però: investite in un buon dissipatore e in un buon case, poiché è un processore che riscalda molto. Io ho preso un dissipatore ad aria Be Quiet! Dark Rock Pro 4 e un case Be Quiet! Pure Base 600 e mi trovo ad avere temperature a 35°C in idle e 55-58°C in full, il tutto in assoluto silenzio. Usando il dissipatore stock e/o un base con un pessimo airflow, il rischio di toccare 80-85°C e di mettere sotto stress la cpu è concreto.

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